Alright, Well. Here at expl0its Chrome, We like to keep posts non-Junk. So, If you're going to take this idea, don't make the reply's junk . Like, Oh cool story man ...
Or shit like that.
So this is what to do.
* = Section
- = Sub-Section
- Site rules, and announcements
- Introductions ...
- Off-Topic Posts
- Suggestions
- User Reports
- Humor
- Other Tutorials
You click on general, Then you click on site rules, comment on everything you haven't commmented on.
After that, You click on general again, and go back to general. Click on Introductions, And generally introduce yourself, and comment on everyone else's introduction.
Then you move on to miscellaneous, And do the same Idea as the one above.
And so on and so forth.
Happy Coding mate.